Programme > Oral contributions and posters



Severine Atis - Chemical avalanches and reaction fronts universal behavior

Jonathan Barés - Triggering low intensity avalanches to control crackling dynamics: global and local approach

Nirvana Belén Caballero - From bulk descriptions to emergent interfaces

Daniel Bonamy - Fast cracks in heterogeneous materials: The key role of elastic waves

Jérôme Crassous - Micro-slips in an experimental granular shear band replicate the spatiotemporal characteristics of natural earthquakes

Kristina Davitt - Measurements of wetting hysteresis and dynamics with controlled disorder

Ezequiel Ferrero - The yielding transition at finite temperatures

Reinaldo García-García - Connections between the Yang-Lee edge singularity problem and the statistics of avalanche energies at the depinning transition

Tom de Geus - Nucleation of slip at the frictional interface: avalanches or fracture?

Thierry Giamarchi - Disordered Elastic Media

Pamela Guruciaga - Domain-wall roughness in magnetic thin films: crossover length scales and roughness exponents

Vincent Jeudy - Universal and material dependent dynamic behaviors of domain walls in thin magnetic film

Yariv Kafri - The long-ranged influence of disorder on active systems

Alejandro Kolton - Curvature-driven AC-assisted creep dynamics of magnetic domain walls

Pierre Le Doussal - Avalanches in long-range depinning

Anaël Lemaître - Elasto-plastic events in glasses and liquids

Craig Maloney - Revisiting the yielding transition... again and again and again

Kirsten Martens -  Importance of elastic interactions for relaxation processes and residual stresses in soft disordered solids

Ashwij Mayya - Precursors to compressive failure as depinning avalanches: Application to structural health monitoring

Muhittin Mungan - The topology of the energy landscape of a sheared amorphous solid

Patrycja Paruch - From avalanche statistics in ferroelectric domain wall dynamics to inhibitor effects on wound healing

Sylvain Patinet - Local shear relaxations in supercooled liquids: when soft zones are fast

Victor Purrello - The role of inertia in the depinning transition: from a single particle to elastic interfaces

David Richard - Comparison of computational methodologies for predicting plastic activity in amorphous materials

Valentina Ros - Activated dynamics in glassy random landscapes: towards high-dimensional instantons

Alberto Rosso - The mechanical response of amorphous materials: Uniform vs Oscillatory shear.

Julien Tailleur - Pressure in active systems: from the lack of equation of state to hidden conservation laws

Anne Tanguy - Extremal models and continuous mesoscopic modeling of wetting (1D) and plasticity (3D) problems

Gilles Tarjus - Functional Renormalization Group for disordered systems: Contrasting perturbative and nonperturbative approaches

Cathelijne ter Burg - Universal force correlations at depinning, and what they teach us (part II).

Lev Truskinovsky - Variety of scaling regimes in crystal plasticity

Frédéric van Wijland - Surface tensions in active matter

Jérôme Weiss - Damage avalanches in quasi-brittle materials

Kay Wiese - Universal force correlations at depinning, and what they teach us (part I).



Dheeraj Kumar - Meso-scale modeling of plasticity in amorphous materials

Gianmarco Spera - TBA



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